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of the world



 NOV 2017 | Kilauea, Kaua`i

"It is our great honor to share with you this project from:



We at Coherence Lab offer our humble and loving service as hosts and 'ground crew'. We extend our gratitude for being included in this noble endeavor and also gratitude to all the many committed people from Kaua'i, and around the globe, that are helping to make it possible.


If YOU would like to be a part, please visit and make a donation today. Mahalo nui loa! Thank you!"


– Prajna Horn - Executive Director, Coherence Lab

Wisdom Weavers

Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways

Medicine Wheel Films, Inc.

Kalliopeia Foundation

Wild Foundation

protect all life on earth

In November 2017, 13 Indigenous Wisdom Weavers from tribes around the world will gather for four days on Kaua`i  to co-create a message for humankind. They will speak on behalf of Mother Earth and all of her children.


Many Indigenous Elders say we are fast approaching a critical ‘tipping point’ beyond which life as we know it will dramatically change. Environmental degradation and depletion of Mother Earth’s bounty are happening at unprecedented rates. Mother Earth’s life support systems are overloaded, strained, and nearly exhausted. The time grows increasingly short to take effective actions to transform how we live.


The Wisdom Weavers of the World Project will bring together Elders from different parts of the world to share instructions for how to live in balance and harmony with the natural world. Indigenous peoples hold a vast repository of untapped knowledge from thousands of years of living harmoniously in nature and constantly adapting to survive. 

a woman's call to action


This gathering is part of the fulfillment of a prophecy: the coming together of the 4 directions and the unifying of peoples from all lands and walks of life. This historic weaving of cultures and hearts will give voice to the deepest wisdom of these elders and their ancestors. As the elders open up their hearts and share their teachings, the "hoop" and sacred teachings will become whole again

At this pivotal moment, Indigenous elders are at the forefront of changing the paradigms we live by. 


Their essential message of hope is imperative for all to hear, to bring us back into our hearts and to remind us of our proper place in the “Hoop of Life”. Ilarion (Kuuyux) Merculieff, an Unangan traditional messenger and founder of the Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways, received a vision to gather Wisdom Weavers from around the world to address the difficulties facing all of us, and to lay out what must take place to reinvigorate this planet and restore it to health. These Wisdom Weavers are gathering to share what they know from their traditions, address concerns they have about our younger generations and discuss what their Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom can do to address some, or all, of the world’s many wounds and whether or not it is time to bring the messages from the Elders to a wider audience around the world.


Elders will be invited to present a message to the world which will be videotaped and translated into French, Spanish, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Hungarian and Korean. Academy Award and Emmy Award winning filmmaker Jeffrey D. Brown along with other talented dedicated filmmakers, will produce 15 (1 to 3 minute) web-ready videos that will be translated into multiple languages. These messages will then be disseminated to partner organizations around the world. This gathering will also be the foundation of a full-length documentary.


These global Wisdom Weavers are gathering to create a message to shift consciousness. They see this as planting seeds to restore balance, reinvigorate our planet, restore Mother Earth and all living beings to full health.


knowledge comes from learning wisdom comes from living –  a.d. williams




NOV 2 | Anini Beach | 6:15am

This ceremony will be led by Mona Polocca, Founding Member of the International Council of Indigenous Grandmothers. We will gather at 6:15am, for first light, at Anini (past the campgrounds) and begin at 6:30. 


NOV 3 | Hanalei @ The Pier | 6:15am

We will gather at 6:15am, for first light, at the pier in Hanalei and begin at 6:30. One of our guest elders will be leading this ceremony.


NOV 4 | Kalihiwai Bay | 6:15am

We will gather at 6:15am, for first light, and begin at 6:30. This ceremony will be led by Ilarion Merculieff, Unangan Elder of Alaska.

Community Cultural Celebration Welcoming Wisdom Weavers of the World.

NOV 5 | Lydgate Pavillion | 11am-5pm

Join us as we welcome indigenous elders from around the world who are here to share their heart-felt messages. Calling our global ohana of Kauai to gather for potluck, talk story, music and community connection.


Youth/Elder Council

NOV 6 | Pu'ukumu School, Kapuna Road | 3pm.

Calling on our youth! All children welcome, especially middle and high school students. Come sit in council with the elders to listen, learn and ask questions. And come inspired to share your unique wisdom, insights and perspective as the voices of our future.

wisdom weavers

learn about our amazing people

wisdom weavers

full bios. click here.

ground crew/hosts

full bios. click here.

film crew

full bios. click here.




all we do impacts the children, and their children, and their children, and their children, and their children...


LEVI COSTA, of the Island School of Kaua'i, drew this picture for the Elders showing what a bright future looks like to him. 

We are a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.

Phone: 808.652.8850


PO Box 424, Kilauea, Hawai'i 96754

© 2018-2021 by COHERENCE LAB

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